Chiropractic Care
It’s our goal to provide the care that will change lives. At Abercrombie Chiropractic, we want to be sure what we’re doing is helping people. That all starts by being extremely thorough in our approach. The initial examination process is designed to get to the bottom of your problems, then give you the precise adjustment to get the results you want. Plus, you’ll have regular re-evaluations along the way to show the improvement you’ve been making under care.
Why Chiropractic?
When you get adjusted, it removes stress from your nervous system and restores motion to your spine. That ensures that your spine doesn’t deteriorate over time, leaving you unable to do the things you love. Though many people associate chiropractic with pain, it’s essential to maintain your spinal health, too. In doing so, you give your body the best possible chance at healing itself.
The Gonstead System
Gonstead is a technique and a system of analysis. It’s a world-renowned chiropractic technique created by Dr. Clarence Gonstead. A former engineer, he changed careers later in life and became a chiropractor. Dr. Gonstead studied the spine consistently and could make such an impact on it that people ended up lining up around the block to his office.
Eventually, Dr. Gonstead had to build a waiting room that could house 100 people. He added an airstrip and hotel to his clinic area. People flew in from countries around the world to get adjusted by him. He was doing something different than other chiropractors.
Everyone wanted to know: what was Dr. Gonstead’s secret?

What Dr. Gonstead knew was how to identify a problem. To find the cause behind a person’s health issues, he used multiple methods, such as X-rays, static palpation, motion palpation, redness and scope. Think: if you were on a hunt for something, would you like one clue, or multiple clues?
The Gonstead System has multiple ways to identify problems and to address it.
Over the years, Dr. Abercrombie has developed his own technique that’s based on Gonstead. When necessary, he blends in other techniques to benefit each individual patient. He also utilizes Active Release Techniques® (ART). With ART, you can release adhesions, lengthen muscles and get rid of those painful knots.
Your muscles are comprised of multiple layers. When they get damaged from use, scar tissue will build up. That scar tissue keeps the layers of muscles from moving and gliding over each other as they should. They become stuck, which is painful and affects your range of motion. With ART, we can create that separation to bring back the “glide and slide.”
Yes. Dr. Abercrombie has seen former players of the Softball World Series who were unable to throw a ball and had been told they would never play again. Within four months, they were back to the game. ART is extremely effective for active people and athletes.
Yes. Dr. Abercrombie uses an ArthroStim®, which is an electric, handheld adjuster. It’s appropriate for a high level of degeneration in the spine and other situations where manual adjusting isn’t appropriate. There is also a percussion instrument available that looks similar to a massager and addresses the body’s soft tissues with a gentle touch.
Yes, people who have had surgery can still get adjusted. With the Gonstead Technique, a specific segment of the spine can be adjusted without affecting the ones around it. Dr. Abercrombie’s patients include people with fusions in their neck and back.
- Arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Headaches
- Cervicogenic headache
- Tension headache
- Migraine headache
- Neck pain
- Pain between the shoulders
- Back pain
- Low back pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Stenosis
- Disc bulge/herniation
- Slipped disc
- Radiculopathy
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Infertility (acupuncture)
- Muscle strain
- Sprain
- Knee pain
- Shoulder pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Rotator cuff injury
- Sports injury
- Tendonitis
- Achilles tendonitis
- Foot pain
- Ankle pain
- Wrist pain
- Costochondritis
- Gait analysis
Take Advantage of Our New Patient Offer
We’re pleased to offer a new patient special. For $185, you’ll receive a consultation, examination, X-rays if needed and your first adjustment (a $350 value!).
Contact Abercrombie Chiropractic now to set up your first appointment!